Why Indian education needs tech disruptions

Why Indian education needs tech disruptions

Gone are the days of traditional classrooms where teachers wrote on the blackboard with a chalk and duster and told students to copy it in their notebooks. The use of technology in the teaching methodology has made learning a more interactive process which initiates innovative thinking in students. And as we move into the digital age, imparting knowledge through technology has become a necessity.

The government has laid out several initiatives like Digital India and Skill India which aim to provide adequate training to faculty to incorporate technology in their educational processes. The digital literacy of the country has been targeted to reach 50% in the next couple of years.

Many entrepreneurs and startups have grabbed this opportunity to develop technology-based educational products for private and government based schools, colleges, and universities.

Despite efforts taken by the Government such as Skill India, education in India still faces issues which hinder its growth.

Regional disparities still exist in India which acts as a communication barrier between teachers and students. This hasn’t got resolved through traditional teaching techniques. The ideal pupil-teacher ratio is around 1:30, but in India, it’s around 1:65. Moreover, most regions are also affected by the inconsistent quality of teachers deployed. Many students in rural India don’t have access to decent schools or proper facilities, especially in rural India.

Hence there’s an urgent requirement to equip such schools with more technological tools and resources so that they can reach more students more efficiently and make learning more effective for their students.


The following are some of the major technological disruptors which would change the academic landscape of the country:

• Digital classrooms which use projectors and laptops to replace traditional forms of teaching.

• Educational gaming applications to engage students and develop skills such as goal setting, concentration, and teamwork.

• Multimedia and rich 3D content to make the course content faster and more interesting to the students.

• Interactive video based learning to engage and create interest in the students.

• Machine learning and artificial intelligence to adopt a personalized approach which considers individual unique learning patterns to enhance a student’s learning experience.

The above-mentioned disruptors would provide students an ideal learning environment to meet their specific needs and allow them to achieve to the best of their potential. By leveraging technology, adaptive practice sessions can be adopted to assess students’ strengths and weaknesses, for each particular topic. Students also benefit from the ability of digital platforms to provide consistent and good quality content.

To be successful in using technology in their education process, institutions need to partner with the right technology providers to make teaching a more innovative and effective.

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