Importance of STEM in School Education

Importance of STEM in School Education

STEM education focuses on the integrated disciplines of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics which encourages students to practise their STEM skills by creating apps, websites & 3D prototypes that solve real-world problems.    

Here’s why schools need to integrate STEM into their curriculum 

Increases student engagement

STEM Learning is student-centric which puts students’ interests first, acknowledging their voice as central to the learning experience. It engages them by putting responsibility for the learning path in their hands and imparting them the essential skills. Students take ownership of their learning – what they learn, how they learn it and how their learning is assessed are all driven by them.

Multidisciplinary approach to learning 

Jobs in the real world are multidisciplinary. STEM’s multidisciplinary approach to learning helps students understand how subjects integrate and work together. It provides them the opportunity for exploration and develops diverse skill sets required for the jobs of the future.

Makes learning fun for students 

With project-based teaching methodology, STEM involves working in group projects. The activities are interesting and fun where students ‘Learn by Doing’. It enhances their learning experience by giving them the platform to communicate & collaborate with their peers, boosts their confidence when they solve a given problem and motivates them to be lifelong learners.

Allows application of learning to real-world problems 

STEM is critical to students’ holistic growth and development. STEM projects/activities allow them to apply their learning in real life situations and prepares them to become critical thinkers and future leaders. They ideate, research, design and build prototypes for real-world problems like climate change, water scarcity, depletion of marine life etc.

Future Careers in STEM include: 

Robotics Engineer

Robots will take over simple tasks in the future; tasks like ordering fast food at a restaurant, purchasing groceries from a supermarket etc. will be performed at a kiosk or at an automated service location. Job hirers will look for people with robotics skills who can design, build, and fix robots and help in the maintenance of the kiosk systems.

App Developer

Lately, the field of Mobile App Development has seen a tremendous rise in popularity. From banking to shopping to booking a ride to learning to playing games and more – mobile apps have made it safer and convenient for people to carry out their activities. In the future, organisations will need people with STEM, design and coding skills to design & develop apps for their business that will drive and help meet their goals while offering best services to the customers.

3D Printing Engineer

3D Printing is revolutionizing the creative and fabrication industries, home construction, the food industry, and medical applications. In the future, applications for 3D Printing will need to be developed; the 3D printers operated, maintained, and monitored. Hence, 3D Printing Engineers will be in high demand in the future job market.

Green Power Creator

A healthy planet means healthy people. To build a sustainable planet, focus would be on harnessing untapped resources of energy like solar, wind, water etc. to meet our growing needs as a global population. The future will need people who can use design thinking and STEM skills to develop, test and deploy green technologies.

ICT 360 provides NEP aligned, STEM accredited ICT curriculum with ready-to-use content, design and computational thinking approach to projects as well as interdisciplinary learning material on an online platform that caters to today’s relevant technologies and future skills requirements. It is designed to help teachers improve their instructional practices with 21st century teaching skills through train-the-teacher program, build a strong foundation to empower students with the ability and skills to design & create amazing things on their own in a fun & engaging environment, excel in academics and prepare them to be industry- and career-ready. 

With 50+ partner schools across India, it aims to empower students with creativity, problem-solving, design and advanced tech skills from an early age. These skills are essential for future job roles like AI & ML Specialist, Game Designer, Graphic Designer, Software & Applications Developer, Animator, Robotics Engineer, Data Analyst, and IOT Specialist.

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