Competency-Based Learning

Competency-Based Learning

Competency-based learning is a framework for teaching and assessment of learning in which students learn at their own pace and demonstrate their mastery of the acquired knowledge and skills/competencies before they move to the next topic. The competencies are based on understanding of key concepts and the ability to apply their knowledge and skills to real life situations.

As per the NEP 2020, the assessment of the schooling system must shift from one that primarily tests rote memorisation skills to one that is more formative, is more competency-based, promotes learning and development for the students, and tests higher-order skills, such as analysis, critical thinking, and conceptual clarity. 

Features of Competency-Based Learning 

  • Time is not a stress factor for students
  • Offers more flexibility to students
  • Students demonstrate their mastery of skills 

Here’s how an advanced ICT program in schools delivers Competency-Based Learning with the help of a Learning Management System (LMS) 

Teachers can upload competencies in the LMS


Project-based learning enables students to become innovators, collaborators, and problem-solvers by allowing them to put their knowledge to practical use and create solutions to real world problems. It empowers them with key skills they need to thrive in the 21st Century which include Creativity, Problem Solving/Design Thinking, Critical Thinking, Technical/ICT Skills, Collaboration, and Communication. 

Teachers can create, upload, or add key skills/competencies in the LMS; they can add one or more sets of competencies to a class. Then, they need to tag the lessons and projects/assignments with the competencies they have created/uploaded. 

Teachers can view analysis of competencies covered

Once the teachers have tagged the lessons and projects/assignments with the competencies, the LMS offers an overview of how well a class covers the corresponding competencies. It helps teachers to identify weak spots in each class and make sure that every competency is being taught and assessed during the class.

Teachers can save competencies in the LMS library for reuse 

Teachers can save/store the competencies created by them in a library of the LMS that can be reused for other classes or by other teachers whenever needed.


Teachers can tag resources with competencies

Students learn new things in their classes. Extra resources help them to learn more. So, teachers can tag various learning resources with corresponding competencies to enable students to learn from other resources as well.

Teachers can track student progress

As students advance through the class, teachers can see an overview of their mastery level updated in real-time in the LMS. It helps teachers to know the attempts made by the students, the mistakes they make while working on the project/assignment and identify the areas where they are struggling and the areas where they are doing well. 

Teachers can lock/unlock lessons to encourage mastery 

LMS allows teachers to add actions that should be triggered automatically when a student reaches a certain competency level. For instance, if a student achieves more than 85% on a competency, the LMS unlocks an advanced lesson that was previously hidden. The teachers can also set up a rule to get an alert when a student(s) struggles at a 25% or 35% competency level for more than a week. The teachers can enrol the student(s) in other related classes for improvement and lock an advanced lesson until they achieve mastery on the given lesson/topic.

Students can view their mastery progress

Students can view their mastery progress on their profile page/dashboard in the LMS. The class competencies allow students to see the detailed overview of their progress and helps them to identify their strengths and areas of improvement.

Teachers can take appropriate action using comparison mastery charts

With the help of comparison mastery charts in the LMS, teachers can see how a student ranks against their peers in terms of their learning progress. They can then identify patterns among students and create more relevant automatic rules/take appropriate action to improve the learning outcome of the students.

Advanced ICT program in schools also provides Teacher Training/Development Programs that help them prepare and implement pedagogical plans based on competency & outcome-based education and deliver 21st century learning effectively while equipping them with new age teaching skills like technical/ICT skills, soft skills, and classroom management skills.

At ICT 360, we provide advanced tech curriculum for schools – grades 1-10 – for AI, AR, VR, Coding, Media Design, App Design, Game Design, Web Design, 3D Printing, Robotics, IoT, Cloud Computing and all futuristic technologies to enable students to become Innovators, Collaborators and Problem-Solvers.

ICT 360 serves as a one stop solution for all ICT requirements of a school. With NEP aligned & STEM accredited ICT curriculum – this unique platform offers Teacher Development Trainings with Certifications, Project PPTs, Lesson Plans, Assignments, Learning Resources, Technical Support, Assessments, Reports, and LMS for students and teachers for synchronous & asynchronous learning to equip them with 21st century skills and prepare them for the tech-driven future.

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